星期一,10月28日 | 1:00pm ~ 10:00pm 报到:北京亦庄智选假日酒店 Check-in: Holiday Inn Express Beijing Yizhuang |
星期二,10月29日 | |
9:00am-9:05am | 总裁致辞 President’s speech Farid Dawalibi |
9:05am-9:15am | 开幕词并介绍与会人员 Opening remarks and introduction of participants 李业旭 Li Yexu |
9:15am-10:15am | CDEGS 2020~2024主要新功能介绍 Introduction to the main new features from 2020 ~ 2024 梁威(SESChina) |
10:15am-10:30am | 休息 Break |
10:30am-11:00am | 基于CDEGS Based Articles 对110kV输变电工程跨越输气管道与现场实际检测的干扰分析研究 Analysis and research on the interference between 110kV power transmission and transformation projects across gas pipelines and actual on-site detection 李垚璐(上海道盾科技股份有限公司 )Li Yaolu (Shanghai Daodun Technology Co., Ltd.) |
11:00am-11:30am | 基于CDEGS软件的±800kVHVDC输电线路近区埋地管道风险研究 Risk study of buried pipelines near ±800kVHVDC transmission lines based on CDEGS software 李振宇(上海电力大学)Li Zhenyu (Shanghai Electric Power University) |
全体合影 (Group Photo) | |
12:00pm-2:00pm | 午餐 Lunch |
2:00pm-2:30pm | 电气化铁路对邻近管道的交流干扰仿真进展 Progress in Simulation of AC Interference from Electrified Railways to Adjacent Pipelines 周海军(SESChina)Zhou Haijun |
2:30pm-2:50pm | 高压直流换流站电磁兼容性分析 Electromagnetic compatibility analysis of high voltage AC-DC converter station 梁威(SESChina)Liang Wei |
2:50pm-3:30pm | CORRCAD在直流干扰的应用: HVDC,电气化直流铁路,光伏变电站对临近金属管道的腐蚀研究 Application of CORRCAD to DC interference: Research on corrosion of adjacent metal pipelines in HVDC, electrified DC railways, and photovoltaic substations 冯立乾(SESChina)Feng Liqian |
3:30pm-3:45pm | 休息 Break |
3:45pm-4:00pm | 使用CDEGS有效模拟研究太阳能光伏变电站故障下的安全评估 Using CDEGS to effectively simulate and study the safety assessment of solar photovoltaic substations under faults 毕慧(SESChina)Bi Hui |
4:00pm-4:30pm | 上机操作:AutoGroundDesign Hands-on operation: AutoGroundDesign 毕慧(SESChina)Bi Hui |
4:30pm-5:00pm | 上机操作:SESShield-2D&3D Hands-on operation: SESShield-2D&3D 毕慧(SESChina)Bi Hui |
星期三,10月30日 | |
9:00am-9:30am | 油气长输管道交直流杂散电流干扰案例分享 Case Study on AC and DC Stray Current Interference of Long-distance Oil and Gas Pipelines 张培洲(中石化石油工程设计有限公司 Zhang Peizhou (Sinopec Petroleum Engineering Design Co., Ltd.) |
9:30am-10:00am | 油气管道交流杂散电流干扰数值模拟仿真与应用案例 Numerical Simulation and Application of AC Stray Current Interference of Oil and Gas Pipelines 徐华天(国家石油天然气管道集团有限公司科学技术研究总院分公司 ) Xu Huatian (Scientific and Technological Research Institute Branch of China National Petroleum and Natural Gas Pipeline Group Co., Ltd.) |
10:00am-10:20am | 评估交流输电线路对邻近停车场的影响 Evaluating the Impact of AC Transmission Lines on Adjacent Parking Lots 梁威(SESChina)Liang Wei |
10:20am-10:35am | 休息 Break |
10:35am-10:55am | 新的Right-Of-Way(ROWCAD) New Right-Of-Way (ROWCAD) 梁威(SESChina)Liang Wei |
10:55am-11: 25am | SESTransient的改进及未来发展 Improvements and Future Development of SESTransient 潘宝平(SESChina)Pan Baoping |
11:25am-11:45am | 土壤模块相关主题 Topics Related to Soil Module 毕慧(SESChina)Bi Hui |
12:00pm-2:00pm | 午餐 Lunch |
2:00pm-3:30pm | 上机操作:架空输电线路对邻近埋地管道的交流干扰分析 Hands-on Operation: AC Interference of Overhead Transmission Lines to Adjacent Buried Pipes 梁威(SESChina)Liang Wei |
3:30pm-3:45pm | 休息 Break |
3:45pm-5:15pm | 上机操作:雷击对输电线路共用走廊内管道的危害评估 Hands-on Operation: Assessment of Hazards of Lightning Strike on Pipelines in Transmission Line Shared Corridors 潘宝平(SESChina)Pan Baoping |
6:30pm | SESChina 公司招待晚餐(地点待定) SESChina Company Reception Dinner (Venue to be Determined) |
星期四,10月31日 | |
9:00am-9:30am | 用户对CDEGS软件需增加的功能建议和意见(Wish List) Suggestions and opinions from users on the functions that need to be added to the CDEGS software (Wish List) |
9:30am-10:00am | Tools的改进及未来发展 Improvements and future development of Tools 潘宝平(SESChina)Pan Baoping |
10:00am-10:15am | 分流系数的计算分析:将FCDIST集成到MALZ中 Calculation analysis of fault current split factor: integrating FCDIST into MALZ 毕慧(SESChina)Bi Hui |
10:15am-10:30am | 休息 Break |
10:30am-10:45am | 金属板相关主题 Metallic plate related topics 毕慧(SESChina)Bi Hui |
10:55am-11: 15am | 进行HVDC接地极温升计算(SESAmpacity)及SESCPCalculator的使用 Calculation of HVDC ground pole temperature rise (SESAmpacity) , Use of SESCPCalculator 冯立乾(SESChina)Feng Liqian |
11:15am-11:30am | 计算加速相关主题 Compute acceleration related topics 毕慧(SESChina)Bi Hui |
11:30am-11:45am | 电缆相关主题 Cable related topics 毕慧(SESChina)Bi Hui |
12:00pm-2:00pm | 午餐 Lunch |
2:00pm-2:30pm | 上机操作:直流接地极本体安全性评估 Hands-on operation: Safety assessment of DC ground electrode 冯立乾(SESChina)Feng Liqian |
2:30pm-3:30pm | 上机操作:直流接地极对临近管道的直流干扰 Hands-on operation: DC interference of DC grounding electrode on adjacent pipeline 冯立乾(SESChina)Feng Liqian |
3:30pm-3:45pm | 休息 Break |
3:45pm-5:15pm | (专题上机演示&讨论答疑) (Special hands-on demonstration & discussion Q&A) |